Galveston Island: A Comprehensive Plan Based on Coastal Zone Management Principles




CH2M Hill, Carter & Burgess, Inc., Dept of UrbanPlannig, City of Galveston

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Carter & Burgess


The 1986 Galveston Comprehensive Plan is a guide for future development and redevelopment in the City of Galveston. Comprehensive planning is a dynamic process which is influenced by many different factors that shape forces of change in the community. Although a Comprehensive plan provides guidelines for long-range decision making, the plan must be flexible enough to reflect changes in City policies due to unforeseen events and trends. Comprehensive Planning for Galveston was initiated with the 1965 City of Galveston Comprehensive Plan Report. This plan was updated in 1973. The 1986 Comprehensive Plan has been prepared to continue the community planning initiated in the 1973 Plan and to provide guidelines for current and future community growth. The major emphasis in this Comprehensive plan is on West Island since the 1973 Plan did not address this area. This document is composed of six major sections: Section 1, History and Regional Setting; Section 2, Geographic Features and Definitions; Section 3, Social and Economic Characteristics; Section 4, Physical Features Influencing Development; Section 5, Holding Capacity Analysis; Section 6, Goals/Issues/Objectives/Policies; and Sections 7, Implementation Process.


218 p.


city planning, coastal zone management
