Genetic identification of hatchery-released red drum in Texas bays and estuaries


Aug. 2008


Karlsson, S
Saillant, E
Bumguardner, BW
Vega RR
Gold, JR

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The stock enhancement program for red drum Sciaenops ocellatus in Texas annually releases from 25 to 30 million fingerlings into Texas bays and estuaries and represents one of the largest such programs for marine fishes worldwide. We used 16 nuclear-encoded microsatellites and a 370-base-pair fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop to assign red drum sampled from two bays along the Texas coast to either hatchery or wild origin. A total of 30 hatchery-released fish were identified among 321 red drum belonging to three year-classes sampled from Galveston Bay, while a total of I I hatchery-released fish were identified among 970 red drum belonging to four year-classes sampled from Aransas Bay. Allelic richness (microsatellites) was significantly lower among hatchery-released fish than among hatchery broodfish and wild fish. Similarly, the expected number of mtDNA haplotypes in hatchery-released fish (based on simulation analysis) was significantly lower than that expected in a random sample of both brood and wild fish. The contribution of brood dams, sires. and dam X sire combinations to the hatchery-released fish was nonrandom, as was the distribution of hatchery-released and wild fish with respect to sampling stations (localities) within each bay. The possibility of a Ryman-Laikre effect is discussed


pgs. 1294-1304


effective population size, marine stock enhancement, sciaenops-ocellatus, fish, markers, growth, programs, survival, wild
