Water resources data for Texas, water year 1989. Volume 2: San Jacinto River Basin, Brazos River Basin, San Bernard River Basin, and intervening coastal basins
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Surface - water data for the 1989 water year for Texas are presented in three volumes, appropriately identified as to content by river basins. Data in each volume consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams and canals; and stage, contents, and water quality of lakes and reservoirs. Also included are crest - stage and flood - hydrograph partial - record stations, reconnaissance partial - record stations, and low - flow partial - record stations. Additional water data were collected at various sites, not part of the systematic data - collection program, and are published as miscellaneous measurements. Records for a few pertinent stations in bordering states are also included. These data represent that part of the National Water Data System operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating state and federal agencies in Texas.