Introduction to Flood Proofing: An Outline of Principles and Methods




Sheaffer, John R.

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University of Chicago Center for Urban Studies


Flood proofing is a body of techniques for preventing flood damage to the structure and contents of buildings in a flood hazard area. This publication on structural flood proofing is intended to acquaint public officials, building owners and professionals with the essential principles and to outline and illustrate a number of simple but effective measures for reducing flood damage. The report should be of particular service to officials of Federal agencies having responsibility, under Executive Order 11296, for preventing flood damages to Federal structures. It is also hoped that it will serve as an outline for engineers, architects and other professionals of problems associated with either preventing entry of water into buildings or minimizing the damages from flood waters. Introduction to Flood Proofing was prepared as part of a study of certain aspects of flood plain management financed in equal parts by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Tennessee Valley Authority. It presents information and guidance immediately available. Further study of flood proofing and its application is necessary before a more detailed manual can be issued.


61 pages


flood prevention, flood mitigation
