Expenditure profiles of visitors to Southern California coastal areas.
Leeworthy, V.R.
Schruefer, D.S.
Wiley, P.C.
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U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Strategic Assessment Branch
This report supplements information reported in A Socioeconomic Profile of Recreationists at Public Outdoor Recreation Sites in Coastal Areas: Volume 5. Detailed expenditure profiles for visitors to five California sites are reported. Tabular summaries of the following information are contained in this report: 1) type of transportation used, 2) type of accommodations used, 3) average expenditure per recreation group, 4) average expenditure per person, and 5) average expenditure per person per day. This report also provides some guidance on how to properly use expenditure profiles in estimating total expenditures associated with visits to coastal sites.
25 pgs.
cost analysis, recreation, economic feasibility, public lands, recreational use, economic aspects, costs, recreational surveys, access