Shrimp research at the Galveston Laboratory of the Gulf Coastal Fisheries Center.
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The article deals with the work done on shrimp research by the Galveston Laboratory of the Gulf Coastal Fisheries Center. One of the primary thrusts fo this research has been mark-recapture experiments designed to provide information on shrimp movement, growth, and mortality. This information is essential to those individuals responsible for managing this natural resource. A second major thrust has been the development and refinement of techniques to predict the abundance of brown shrimp in offshore Texas waters. Life history studies received a considerable amount of attention in the 1960's. This work entailed systematic sampling of waters off Florida and in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico with fine mesh nets. This task resulted in biologists determining the seasonal abundance and distribution of newly hatched shrimp in the respective areas. Another study closely related to life history research was an intensive examination of sediment types over the continental shelf. To complement observations made in field studies, research was done in the laboratory to determine the physiological requirements of shrimp.