Clear Creek, Texas, flood control. Preconstruction authorization planning report. Volume 1 - Main report and environmental impact statement. Volume 2 - Appendices I-X.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District
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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District.
Vol. 1 - This report presents a current analysis of flooding problems and possible solutions for Clear Creek. The Congress authorized the Clear Creek Flood Control project in the Flood Control Act of 1968 including the condition of authorization stipulated by the Secretary of the Army. This required a comprehensive restudy of the Clear Creek project. This report identifies modifications to the authorized plan which consist of structural changes and non-structural measures. These modifications provide for protection and enhancement of cultural resources and the natural environment. Vol 2 - Appendices
vol. 1 220 p., vol. 2 652 p.
flood plains, flood control, floods, construction, planning, flooding, cost analysis, water resources, natural resources, environmental impact