Financing state wetlands programs.




Apogee Research, Incorporated

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands Protection


In response to continuing wetland losses, federal, state, and local governments, as well as nonprofit organizations have begun to broaden their efforts to protect these valuable resources. One of the primary challenges they face is obtaining the funding necessary to support wetlands protection programs. Moreover, wetlands protection activities must compete with other environmental goals for funding at a time when all levels of government are facing tight budget constraints. This guidebook reviews a number of alternative financing mechanisms that are being used to finance state wetlands programs. It focuses on financing state regulatory programs, but examples of financing for nonregulatory programs also are included since they may be applicable to regulatory programs as well. Case studies profile how states have used a variety of these mechanisms, ranging from property transfer to habitat stamps.


88 p.


wetlands, programs, financing, environmental protection
