Upland habitat development with dredged material: Engineering and plant propagation.




Hunt, L.J.
Landin, M.C.
Ford, A.W.
Wells, B.R.

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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station.


Upland habitat development using dredged material as a substrate was shown by the Dredged Material Research Program (DMRP) to be a feasible alternative to standard dredged material disposal operations. This report synthesizes pertinent literature and research at three major DMRP upland field sites: Miller Sands in the Columbia River, Oregon; Bolivar Peninsula in Galveston Bay, Texas; and Nott Island in the Connecticut River, Connecticut. Guidelines for developing existing or potential dredged material disposal sites into upland habitat are presented: (a) planning and designing the project in relation to the proposed site and project goals; (b) construction of the site including dredging and disposal operations, substrate modifications, and vegetation establishment; (c) maintenance and management of the site as a habitat; (d) costs of proposed and sample projects; and (e) potential problems that may be encountered.


165 p.


dredge spoil, environment management, vegetation cover, habitat improvement, engineering, waste disposal sites, habitat, construction
