Galveston Bay National Estuary Program Fiscal Year 1991 Annual Workplan
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This plan sets forth elements of work to be carried out in state fiscal year 1991 (September 1, 1990 through August 31, 1991) by the Galveston Bay National Estuary Program. Work described in this plan is for year two of a five-year effort to create and implement a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for Galveston Bay. This document contains three sections. First, in the Introduction, is a discussion of the activities for the first year of the Program, Fiscal Year 1990, and a setting forth of activities for Fiscal Year 1991. Second is a discussion of program funding for FY 1991, including a summary table detailing funding sources, and a projected annual budget. Third, projects proposed for FY 1991 are summarized, including current status and previous and projected funding levels.