Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods
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This document, "Technical Notes on Drinking Water Methods", describes method modifications that were developed after an approved method had been published. Most of the modifications were formerly footnoted in the drinking water regulations, or were described in a proposed rule (58 FR 65622, December 15, 1993). Because this document is incorporated by reference in drinking water regulations, it is a mandatory part of the analytical procedures required to conduct compliance monitoring and to obtain laboratory certification. Laboratories can use this publication as a guide to analytical methods approved under the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), to obtain information on the latest approved modifications to these methods, and to contact EPA with questions about drinking water methods. Since EPA method manuals are printed in a looseleaf format, the format of "Technical Notes" allows readers to insert pages containing a method change in the manual containing the affected EPA analytical method. Methods approved for monitoring under National Primary Drinking Water Regulations are in Section I of this document. Methods for which approval will be withdrawn in 1996 are in Section II, and methods for monitoring under National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations are contained in Section III. Mandatory method modofications are described in Section IV. The modifications include a protocol for monitoring chlorine residuals continuously as required under the Surface Water Treatment Rule, requirements for mandatory manual distillation of samples collected for determination of cyanide, and use of another derivatizing reagent with EPA Methods 515.1 and 515.2. Technical notes on optional procedures and recommended modifications to compliance methods are described in Section V. These notes include guidance on how to make analyses of asbestos and dioxin more cost-effective, and when to omit use of mercuric chloride in some EPA pesticide methods.