The wetlands project site registry: benefiting landowners and wetland habitat
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With over 97 percent of Texas lands in private ownership, providing incentives to help private landowners conserve wetlands is of critical importance. Although many incentive programs are currently available, the findings of the Texas Wetlands Conservation Plan indicate that there exists a need among landowners for more non-regulatory conservation programs. The Wetlands Project Site Registry was designed specifically as a voluntary, non-regulatory alternative for landowners desiring wetlands conservation on their property. The Registry is one of the actions recommended by the Texas Wetlands Conservation Plan which was established to guide the conservation of wetlands throughout the state. The goals of the Wetlands Project Site Registry are to provide an additional financial incentive for landowners, and to improve the quality of mitigation sites. The Registry functions like want ads to link interested property owners on both public and private lands with those who need or want to restore wetlands.