McCarley, W.H.Texas Journal of Science2010-02-152010-02-151959 385-426.Fifty-six species of mammals occur or have occurred in East Texas since 1900. Of these 56 species, three (Euarctos americana, Felis onca, Felis pardalis) should be considered extirpated. One native species (Castor canadensis) has been extirpated but has been replaced in recent years by restocking. The status of eleven species have been added to the faunal list of East Texas since Bailey's survey. These include Lasiurus seminolus, Dasypterus floridanus, Tadarida mexicana, T. cynocephala, Reithrodontomys montanus, Peromyscus maniculatus, P. leucopus, Myocaster coypus, Bassariscus astutus, Mustela frenata (which should also be considered a rare or doubtful species) and Canis latrans.mammalogycheck listsstockingbiological surveysThe mammals of eastern Texas.Article