Tanner, G.W.2010-02-152010-02-151979http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/20293140 p., DissertationChanges in culm density and end of season above- and below-ground biomass were monitored within a native seedling stand of Spartina alterniflora. Annual trends in culm density, culm height, and above and below-ground biomass were documented at four elevations within an established S. alterniflora marsh. Effects of two fertilizer rates and a commercial root dip treatment were studied on the survival and growth of three S. alterniflora culm types (native seedlings, high elevation dwarf-form, and low elevation tall-form) when transplanted within two soil conditions at a common elevation. All studies were located within a natural salt marsh complex at the southeastern tip of the Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston County, Texas.Spartina alterniflorasalt marshesaquatic plantsgrowthsurvivaltransplantationreproductionGrowth of Spartina alterniflora within native and transplant-established stands on the upper - Texas Gulf Coast.Book