Matlock, Gary C.; Garcia, Mario A.Contributions in Marine Science2010-02-152010-02-151983 95-110The stomachs of 1245 fish representing 17 species were examined during November 1975-July 1976. The fish, 64.7% of which were collected with an 18.3 m bag seine, ranged in size from 14 to 305 mm standard length. The number of fish collected per bay system ranged from 91 in the Galveston Bay system to 216 in the San Antonio Bay system. The number of species collected per bay system ranged from 11 in the San Antonio Bay system to 15 in the lower Laguna Madre system. The number of stomachs analyzed per species ranged from 5 Brevoortia patronus to 199 Micropogonias undulatus. The stomachs of B. patronus and Mugil cephalus contained plants only. Stomachs of the remaining species except Paralichthys lethostigma contained arthropods and miscellaneous items primarily. Fish were found in 60% of the P. lethostigma stomachs. Small and juvenile estuarine fish provide the link through which plants, micro- crustaceans and fish are transported to large predators. Although these were the primary items consumed, small fish also consume protozoans, rotifers, cnidarians, nemerteans, annelids and mollusks, which indicates their ability to consume and utilize many types of food.stomach content; marine fish; brackishwater fish; feeding behavior; Brevoortia patronus; Micropogon undulatus; paralichthys lethostigma; Mugil cephalusStomach contents of selected fishes from Texas bays.Article