Interagency Workgroup on Wetland Restoration2010-02-152010-02-152003 pgs.This document is designed specifically for individuals, community groups, municipalities or others who have little or no experience in the field of wetland management, restoration or creation. ...Given the broad scope of the subject matter, this document is designed to achieve two goals: 1. Introduce non-technical readers to the basics of wetland projects including planning, implementing, and monitoring 2. Direct interested persons to documents and resources specific to a particular region or wetland type. This document is organized around these two goals. The text gives information on wetlands, background on the practice of restoration, creation, and enhancement, and information on the process involved in undertaking a wetland project. The appendices provide documents, websites, agencies, and other resources for finding additional information and advice on restoration, creation, and enhancement projects.wetlandswetland restorationconservationcreationenhancementwetland ecologyclassificationrestoratino ecologyAn Introduction and User's Guide to Wetland Restoration, Creation and EnhancementBook