Perry HMMcTigue TATrigg CBWarren J2010-02-152010-02-151995 199 and adults of the lesser blue crab, C. similis Williams, are widely distributed in high salinity areas of northern Gulf estuaries. There is a differential distribution by size with small crabs more prevalent in shallow nearshore waters and adults more numerous in deeper channels and waters near the offshore barrier islands. Ovigerous females occur year-round in open Gulf waters and are seasonally abundant in the lower estuary. Megalopae occur in plankton samples throughout the year, with peak abundance in the late winter/early spring. In contrast to C. sapidus, early crab stages are found in coastal plankton as well as in the estuarine benthos. Settlement of lesser blue crab megalopa on stationary collectors occurs primarily in the spring in Galveston Bay, TX. Peak settlement of juveniles follows high catches of megalopae. Megalopae did not occur on Mississippi collectors. Early crab stages occur in Mississippi Sound in all seasons; however, they were found on collectors only in October and NovemberabundanceASW,Mexico GulfBenthosBlue crabCallinectesCallinectes similisChannelscrustacean larvaeDistributionestuariesGalveston BayJuvenilesLarval settlementLife historymegalopsO 1030 InvertebratesO 1070 Ecology/Community StudiesPlanktonQ1 01284 Reproduction and developmentQ1 01423 BehaviourrecruitmentSalinityseasonalitysettling behaviorSpringsUSAwaterSettlement and early life history of Callinectes similis Williams in northern Gulf of Mexico estuariesCONF