2010-09-022010-09-021978-08Accession # 10458http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/2700482 pages; available for download at the link below.The purpose of this publication is to inform the reader of the nature and frequency of storms on North Carolina's coast and the dangers associated with them. The preservation of life and the safety of coastal dwellers are of the utmost importance. Whenever instructions are issued by Civil Preparedness or other governmental authorities to evacuate, they should be complied with immediately. Should the reader find himself in a position where he is unable to leave his residence after a hurricane warning has been issued, there are a number of actions he can follow to insure his safety. This publication offers practical tips which people living directly on the coast and in low-lying areas further inland can follow before, during and after storms to protect life and property.en-USNorth Carolinahurricane preparednesscoastal zone managementtropical cyclonesstormshurricanesStorms, People and Property in Coastal North CarolinaBook