Shaw, W.N.U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service2010-02-152010-02-151994 p.Off-bottom culture of oysters has attracted great interest by various agencies along the coasts of the US and Canada. The major commercial interest in off-bottom oyster culture is now centered in the production of seed oysters. The present commercial centers for seed production are: Fisheries Island, New York; Dabob Bay, Washington; and Pendrell Sound, British Columbia. At Fisheries Island and Pedrell Sound, seed oysters are caught on shells suspended from rafts; in Dabo Bay they are caught on wire-strung shells draped over racks, although some seed is also caught on shells suspended from rafts. Several small companies are rearing oysters (to market size) suspended from rafts and racks, in California, Rhode Island, and Washington.oyster cultureThe past and present status of off-bottom oyster culture in North AmericaArticle