RPC, Inc.2010-02-152010-02-151980http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/25479205 pgs.This report describes current waterborne commodity flows through Texas ports and waterways. Texas ports and waterways have three interrelated components: the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW); ten deep draft ports (30-45 feet deep); and many shallow draft ports, used primarily by barges and for fishing and recreation. Almost all commodity movements through Texas ports and waterways can be accounted for by examining traffic o the GIWW and through the deep draft ports. Thus, the analysis focused on these two components of the Texas waterborne transportation system.shippingcommercedeep portsGulf Intracoastal Waterwaycommoditiesvessel trafficCurrent Waterborne Commodity Flows on the Texas Gulf CoastBook