2011-05-172011-05-171967-12Accession # 11446http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/279909 pages; available for download at the link below.The potential of the fisheries in South America appears to be tremendous. For instance, in the Pacific Ocean, along the Peruvian coast, there is a great quantity of marine fish, mainly those of pelagic species such as anchovy, tuna, bonito, and mackerel. Bottom species such as merluza (Merluccius gally) have recently been found in a disperse pattern from San Gallan, south of Pisco, to Punta de Parinas, north of Paita, and in a concentration suitable for commercial development between Chimbota and Paita. Predators such as tollos and rays are also found.en-USfish oil industryfisheries managementFish Oil Industry in South AmericaTechnical Report