Benton, A.R.,Jr.Newman, R.M.2010-02-152010-02-151976 p.Aerial infrared color photography monitored the spread of water hyacinth, hydrilla, coontail, duckweed, and potamogeton in Lake Livingston, Texas during 1974-75, and showed results of attempts to control the plants with the herbicide 2,4-D. The newly-formed lake is fed by the nutrient-rich Trinity River. The spread of the plants among lakes has been linked to trailered boasts. Winter severity strongly influenced subsequent spring infestations; the mild winter of 1973-74 permitted much of the 1973waterhyacinth crop to winter over, and explosive growth occurred by April 1974. Two hard freezes during the winter of 1974-75 seriously damaged the hyacinth mat, delaying growth until June 1975. Chemical control efforts during 1974 proved inadequate. Localized control in 1975 on White Rock Creek was 100% effective, but int the Jungal and elsewhere on the lake, growth was uninterrupted. The freezes prevented the hyacinth from getting a good start, and domination shifted to subnersed plants. A heavy hydrilla infestation occurred in Beacon Bay in 1974, and a lesser infestation was noted in 1975, partially controlled by herbicide tratments. Chemical control experiments conducted on Brushy Creek were also photographed, and a report on those efforts is included. Areial monitoring of the entire lake shoreline is recommended for 1976.aerial photographyduckweedpotamogetonchemical pollutionpollution controlRemote sensing analysis of Lake Livingston aquatic plants, 1975 final report.Book