Okan-Vick, Roksan, AIA and Mindy O'BannonThe Sixth Biennial State of the Bay Symposium January 14-16, 20032010-02-152010-02-152003http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/26350pg. 123Under the leadership of new director Roksan Okan-Vick, AIA, the Parks Master Plan will take an even broader planning approach within the context of the Trust for Public Land's recently agreed-upon eight measures of an excellent city park system: a clear expression of purpose, an ongoing planning and community involvement process, user satisfaction, equitable access, safety from crime and physical hazards, benefits for the city beyond the park boundaries, sufficient assets in land and funding to meet the system's goals, and stewardship that recognizes and values the system as a city asset. The conference presentation will discuss implementation of the City of Houston Parks Master Plan via these eight measures and how it will meet the prescribed priorities of renovating existing facilities and amenities, providing additional programming for underserved populations, improving undeveloped parks and buying more parkland.water qualityhabitatecologywatershed managementparkssmart growthdevelopmentcommunitypark planningCity of Houston Parks Master PlanBook