2010-10-212010-10-211961Accession # 10785http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/273122 pages; available for download at the link below.Plans for detailed mapping and studies on growth rates and utilization were abandoned early in the period to avoid duplication of effort by another division of the Commission. General observations revealed that a general northward migration of all five spermatophytic species is continuing and that a general increase in all species, especially shoal grass (Diplanthera wrightii), both in total area and in stand, has occurred. Root volume of the sparce bladed shoal grass in shallow water appears to be equal to that of the dense foliated plants in deeper water. The sparce bladed are more useful as food for the red-headed duck, while the densely foliated plants are most suitable as habitat for shrimp, crabs, and small fish. (A benefit of all vegetation is to tie down the bay bottom and reduce turbidity).en-USLaguna Madremarine plantslife cycleLife History Studies of the Marine Flora of the Lower Laguna Madre Area - Biological Survey of the Waters of the Laguna Madre of Cameron, Willacy, and the Southern Half of Kenedy Counties and Adjacent WatersTexas Game and Fish Commission Marine Fisheries Project Reports 1960-1961Technical Report