Copeland, B.J.Journal Water Pollution Control Federation2010-02-152010-02-151966 1831-1839.Some points included in this general discussion are: importance of river flow in maintaining current and salinity patterns, importance of estuaries as source of protein for man, control of oyster diseases and predators by decrease in salinity, importance of estuaries as nursery grounds for shrimp, importance as places where nutrients accumulate, correlation of rainfall and white shrimp catch, extension of southern species northward due to decreased river flow in northern Gulf of Mexico, relation of blue crab population to salinity, high primary productivity in estuaries. Relative productivity in terms of shrimp, oysters, and blue crabs in different Texas bays is correlated with their salinity conditions, and amounts of river inflow.estuariesecologystream flowsalinityoystersriver dischargeshrimpbiological productionenvironmental effectslimiting factorsEffects of decreased river flow and fauna on estuarine ecology.Article