Hord, R. Michael2010-02-152010-02-151982http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/26663256 pgs.In this volume, a practical approach to the subject is presented with emphasis on application examples and algorithms. In this way, the reader can understand the effect of each processing step and, hence, become an informed user of this technology. For those readers with access to the appropriate resources, enough detail is provided to encourage them to try their hand at it: where to get the data and what is available, what processing is needed to prepare the imagery for processing, before and after illustrations for algorithms, and vendors of special purpose hardware. Research topics are described to indicate the current limits of these computer methods. The reader who is professional regional planner or natural resource manger would be expected to benefit from this book, as would hydrologists, foresters, agronomists, geologists, and the like. In general, this book is directed toward those who would like to get started in the doing or using of digital methods to extract information from terrain photos. The emphasis in on satellite imagery, particularly the imagery produced by the multispectral scanner of the landsat program. Where possible, the use of mathematics has been kept to a minimum, except in Chapter 6, research topics. In most cases, the coverage of the material is characterized by breadth. Of course much has, of necessity, been omitted, but in the treatment of each topic the rule has been to present the overview and provide the reader with references to sources of more detail. In some areas, however, the full depth of the topic is explored. In these cases the reader is led from fundamental concepts through intermediate stages to the state of the art.computer scienceapplied mathematicsimage processingdigital techniquesremote sensingDigital image processing of remotely sensed dataBook