2011-04-142011-04-141999-12Accession # 11250http://hdl.handle.net/1969.3/2782726 pages; available for download at the link below.EPA initiated an effort to identify actions that the Agency could take to faciliate implementation of the water quality-based provisions of the CSO Control Policy because of the perception that States have failed to review and revise their water quality standards on CSO-receiving waters, as expected. The Conference Committee on EPA's FY 1999 Appropriation included in House Report 105-769, a provision urging EPA to : - develop guidance, after public comment, to facilitate the conduct of water quality and designated use reviews for CSO-receiving waters; - provide technical and financial assistance to States and EPA Regions to conduct these reviews; - report progress to relevant authorizing and appropriations committees by December 1, 1999.en-UScombined sewer overflowswater quality managementenvironmental protectionSummary of the Listening Sessions - Observations & Recommendations for Guidance and Technical Assistance to Facilitate Water Quality and Designated Use Reviews for Waters Impacted by Combined Sewer OverflowsTechnical Report