Kramer GRJ Environ Eng Div Am Soc Civ Eng Vol 100, no 1, pp 77-92 19742010-02-152010-02-151974 objective of this study was to determine if reaeration rate coeffs in polluted estuaries could be predicted from equations that predict these coeffs in natural streams Many of the currently available equations relatin K Sub(2) with the physical and hydrodynamic characteristics of the waterway were listed along with some of the conditions under which they were derived or determined. A review of the effects of wind, temp, and surface active agents on reaeration was presented. A number of the given equations were applied to the Houston Ship Channel in an attempt to predict K Sub(2). It was found that the predicted K Sub(2) was usually < 1% of the measured K Sub(2) as determined in preliminary measurements. It was concluded that none of these equations are applicable to the upper Houston Ship Channel areaaerationdissolved oxygenestuariesmathematical modelsmeasurementPollution monitoringQ5 01501 GeneralUSAPredicting reaeration coefficients for polluted estuaryJournal