Simons JDPowell ENSong JSoniat TM2010-02-152010-02-151992 199 method for rapidly and relatively inexpensively mapping oyster bottom is described. The method uses an acoustic profiler to differentiate substrate type, a fathometer to assess bottom relief and a global positioning system to accurately establish position. The method has the following desirable traits: use from a small research vessel, usable in most weather conditions, requires only a two-person crew, rapidly discriminates bottom type while underway, usable in shallow (<1 m) or deep (>10 m) water, accurate and precise navigation. The method has been used successfully to map the oyster reefs and oyster bottom of Galveston Bay, Texas, USA an area of approximately 1000 km super(2)ASW,USA,Texas,Galveston BayCrassostrea virginicaGalveston BaymappingNavigationoyster reefspositioning systemsQ1 01566 Fishery charts,grounds and water areasQ1 01583 Shellfish cultureQ2 02385 Hydrographic survey and cartographyQ3 01583 Shellfish culturereefsShellfishsub-bottom profilingTexasUSAwaterWeatherAn improved method for mapping oyster bottom using a global positioning system and an acoustic profilerCONF