Jensen, P.A.Rola, A.Tyrawski, J.M.Hamilton, P. and K.B. MacDonaldEstuarine and wetland processes: with emphasis on modeling.2010-02-152010-02-151980 385-399High concentrations of indicator bacteria (tidal and fecal coliforms) are common in Delaware estuarine waters which have large areas of adjacent tidal wetlands. The relation between tidal wetlands and these high coliform bacteria levels is explored through direct observation and statistical analysis of possible causative factors. Statistical analyses are performed on two representative tidal rivers using data collected by the state as part of it's water quality monitoring program. Statistical results are used to suggest possible mechanisms for wetland/coliform bacteria interactions and to identify those parameters which are most important in a predictive model of estuarine coliform bacteria concentrations.Estuarine oceanographyMathematical modelsCongresseswetlandsUnited StatesTidal wetlands and estuarine coliform bacteriaChapter