Occurrence of the symbiotic rhabdocoele flatworm Paravortex gemellipara in Chesapeake Bay and Gulf of Mexico molluscs, with notes on its biology and geographic range
Wardle WJ
Brinkhurst RO
Cook DG
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P. gemellipara is reported from its type host Geukensia (=Modiolus) demissa and from two new hosts Ischadium (=Brachidontes) recurvum and Mytilopsis (=Congeria) leucopheata . Its range on the Atlantic seaboard is extended from Woods Hole, Massachusetts south to the lower Chesapeake Bay. The worm is also reported from the Gulf of Mexico at Galveston Bay, Texas. The presence of dermal protuberances and posterior adhesive areas bearing mucous strands is recorded. Mature worms were found living in the digestive tract of their host, contrary to the findings of previous investigators who reported them from the gill and kidney
ANW,Chesapeake Bay, ASW,Mexico Gulf, Bivalvia, Chesapeake Bay, Galveston Bay, geographical distribution, Geukensia demissa, Gulf of Mexico, Hosts, Ischadium recurvum, kidney, Life history, Mexico Gulf, Mollusca, Mytilopsis leucopheata, Paravortex gemellipara, Platyhelminthes, Q1 01241 General, Q1 01483 Species interactions: general, symbionts, Texas, Turbellaria, USA, Wood