Health hazard evaluation determination report no. 78-57-579, Amoco Texas refining company, Texas City, Texas.
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Environmental and medical evaluations were conducted on May 2, 1978 at the quality control laboratory of the Amoco Texas Refining Company in Texas City, Texas (Standard Industrial Classification 2911), in response to a request from an authorized employee representative of the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers International Union to determine possible toxic exposure to benzene (71432) among approximately 60 employees. Personal and general air samples were analyzed for benzene, toluene (108883), and xylene (1330207) content. Medical interviews were conducted and relevant medical records of nine laaboratory workers were reviewed. Air sample analysis revealed no benzene, toluene, or xylene concentrations above applicable OSHA standards (30, 750, 435 millligrams per cubic meter, 8 hour time weighted average, respectively). The authors concluded that there was no medical evidence of benzene toxicity in this work force. Recommendations resulting from the evaluation incline keeping toxic chemical exposure to a minimum, instructing workers in continued adherance to good hygiene and health practices, and medically observing those workers who show persistant, nonwork related, blood abnormalities.