Final Report. Volume 1: Methodology
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This volume is the overall report summarizing the goals and objectives of the project series titled Methodology to evaluate alternative coastal zone management policies: Application in the Texas coastal Zone. The overall goal of the project was to develop a methodology for assessing, as quantitatively as possible positive and negative changes in the environment and economy resulting from public policy decisions on use of coastal resources. The Texas Coastal Zone (an area generally two counties inland from the shoreline) was the focus of the project's endeavors, but the economic expansion - environment problems considered are also of concern to many other coastal states. Specifically, this investigation had the following objectives: 1) to develop a methodology for assessing economic and environmental impacts of coastal zone management policies; 2) to incorporate within the framework of the methodology available Texas analytical tools and data systems; 30 to apply the methodology to the Texas Coastal Zone in order to insure that all necessary factors were incorporated and to demonstrate the applicability and utility of this approach to coastal state decision-makers; 4) to establish guidelines specific to the Texas Coastal Zone for the evaluation of environmental and economic impacts; 5) to define research needs of Texas in terms of data acquisition and improvement of analytical tools; 6) to transfer methodology, data, and analytical tools to appropriate Texas agencies; and 7) to develop a framework by which the methodology and/or analytical tools therein can be evaluated for use by other states.