Potentialities of the Gulf oyster industry and recommendations for their realization.
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The potentialities of the Gulf coast for the production of oysters are apparently enormous, yet out of about 916,000 acres of bottom available for culture, only 25,600 acres are under lease. The balance of our steadily declining production comes from public reefs. Within recent years there has been a good deal of research on the possibilities of the coast, and upon optimum habitats for the oyster of the area. More is needed, particularly on the time of spat fall, the best season, to transplant oysters, the proper times to spread cultch, and a thorough survey is needed of all bottoms to determine where it is possible to grow oysters with a reasonable degree of economic success. It is believed that these things should be part of any state plan of research to protect the people engaging in such culture and to aid them in so far as is possible, to utilize their bottoms to the best possible advantage.