Gulf of Mexico Sales 131, 135, and 137: central, western, and eastern planning areas: Final environmental impact statement.




Mineral Management Service Gulf of Mexico OCS Region

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U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region


This environmental impact statement (EIS) addresses three proposed Federal actions that will offer for lease areas on the Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) that may contain economically recoverable oil and gas resources. The three proposed sales are part of the Department of the Interior's (DOI's) current 5-Year Program, which covers the period from mid-1987 to mid01992. The proposed sales are scheduled to occur in 1991 and include lease blocks in the Central, Western, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico. The sale areas are depicted in Figure I-1 and lease blocks and lease status are shown on Visuals Nos. 1 and 1E. ... Of the blocks that will actually be leased as a result of the three proposed actions, only a portion will eventually have drilling plans filed with the Minerals Management Services (MMS). When a drilling plan is proposed, MMS conducts a site-specific environmental assessment of the affects of the proposed activity. The descriptions of the proposed actions, alternatives, mitigating measures, and other issues are addressed for each lease sale.


2 volumes


offshore oil industry, offshore gas industry, environmental aspects, oil and gas leases, oil well drilling, submarine, coastal zone management
