The National coastal pollutant discharge inventory. Pollutant discharge concentrations for industrial point sources.
Arnold, F.D.
Farrow, D.R.G.
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U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service, Strategic Assessment Branch
This paper presents a matrix of typical pollutant concentrations in wastewater streams discharged from industrial facilities, and discusses how these typical concentrations have been developed and used in NOAA's NCPDI. Typical effluent concentrations for 16 pollutants are provided to 83 industrial categories (Table 2). These concentration values or coefficients are used to approximate pollutant discharges when monitored or measured data are unavailable. Since comprehensive monitored data exists for relatively few pollutants, use of concentrations such as these have been, and will continue to be, a major means for estimating pollutant discharges.
17 p.
oxygen-demanding materials, suspended particulate matter, nutrients, heavy metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, pathogens, sludge, wastewater, point source pollution, pollution monitoring, water pollution, inventories