Reconnaissance investigation of the ground-water resources of the Trinity River Basin, Texas.
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The reconnaissance investigation of the Trinity River Basin was undertaken as part of a statewide program designed to provide the general order of magnitude of ground-water supplies potentially available from the principal water-bearing formations of Texas. The Trinity River Basin is in the eastern part of the State and covers approximately 17,930 square miles. The area of study includes all or parts of 37 counties and represents about 6.8 percent of the total area of Texas. The physiographic expression of the Trinity River Basin ranges form treeless prairies to rolling timbered hills with altitudes ranging from sea level at the mouth of the Trinity River to about 1,400 feet above mean sea level in the upper reaches of the basin. The average annual precipitation ranges from approximately 27 inches at the upper end of the basin to about 50 inches near the coast. The population within the Trinity River Basin in 1960 was approximately 1,905,900 which represents nearly 20 percent of the State's population. The economy of the basin ranges principally from light industries in the urban areas to varying forms of agriculture in the rural areas. Oil and gas production scattered throughout the basin also contributes to the economy.