Heavy metals in the environment




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Elsevier Science Publishing Company Incorporated


The continuing interest in the role of heavy metals in the environment since the mid sixties has led to seven international conferences, the first in 1975 in Toronto, the 7th in 1989 in Geneva. At this last conference, over 1,153 pages of extended abstracts, or more precisely condensed texts, were presented and these were published by CEP Consultants Ltd in Edinburgh. This volume, a selection of the best papers from the Geneva conference, is a reference book of the actual state of research in heavy metals in the environment. It covers all fields related to the problems of heavy metals which biologists, chemists, geologists, geochemists, sanitary engineers, physicians, ecotoxicologists, and other scientists who deal with environmental problems will find of interest. This work attempts to give an overview as broad as possible of the problems in the various disciplines.


405 pgs.


heavy metals, atmospheric circulation, bioaccumulation, radioisotopes, acidification, soils, heavy metal content, water, pollution, environmental aspect, congresses
