Houston Ship Channel aeration project. Technical Memorandum #8. Summary of work performed through February 15, 1987.
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This progress report describes Phase II instream aeration project activities performed during the period November 15, 1986 through February 15, 1987. The first part of the report addresses conceptual design and estimates of capital and operating costs for an instream jet aeration system. Conceptual design of seven standard land-based stationary modules transferring oxygen from 1,500 lbs/day to 18,000 lbs/day has been completed. At the time of the report, 12 potential sites had been identified for possible placement of instream aeration facilities. Criteria for site selection was defined and investigation of the suitability of these sites was begun. The second part of this report was prepared by Hydroqual, a subcontractor to the Venture. An assessment of the aeration capacity requirements for the Houston Ship Channel using a two-layer, steady state model was provided in this section of the report. The aeration needs determined by Hydroqual were in close agreement with those defined earlier by the Venture and documented in Technical Memorandum #7, published November 15, 1986.