A Socioeconomic Profile of Recreationists at Public Outdoor Recreation Sites in Coastal Areas. Volume 6.




Leeworthy, V.R.
Schruefer, D.S.
Wiley, P.C.

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Oceanography and Marine Assessment, Ocean Assessments Division, Strategic Assessment Branch


This report summarizes information collected during the summer of 1990 through surveys conducted at six state parks, one county beach and four city beaches in California, Conecticut, Florida, New York, Oregon, Virginia, and Washington, and contains tabular summaries of the following information: 1) socio-demographic profiles of users, 2) type and extent of recreation activities engaged in, 3) types and amount of expenditures on recreation activities, 4) willingness-to-pay for park access, and 5) satisfaction ratings for various park attributes. Also included are detailed profiles of the six state managed sites from the NOAA Inventory of Public Recreation Areas and Facilities in Coastal Areas.


47 pgs.


statistical tables, surveys, census, data collections, recreation, sociological aspects, economic analysis
