Texas commercial harvest statistics, 1978-79




Hamilton, Claude L.

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Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Coastal Fisheries Branch


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) conducts a continuing program to collect data on the commercially harvested finfish and shellfish from Texas bays and from Texas territorial waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Two types of data collection systems were used -- Monthly Marine Products Reports (MMPR) and Individual Sales Transactions (IST). Based on MMPR, compared with September - August 1977-78 data, during September - August 1978-79 red drum (Sciaenops ocellata) increased 5.2% in landings and 26.0% in value; spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) increased 4.7% in landings and 34.8% in value. Black drum (Pogonias cromis) decreased 3.7% in landings but increased 7.1% in value. Flounder (Paralichtys lethostigma and P. albiguta) decreased 31.0% in landings and 11.9% in value. Red snapper (family Lutjanidae) decreased 28.6% in landings and 8.3% in value. From 1977-78 to 1978-79, blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) decreased 9.3% in landings and 2.9% in value. Oyster meat landings decreased 45.4% in landings and 42.8% in value. Brown (Penaeus aztecus) and pink (P. duorarum) shrimp decreased 12.0% in landings but increased 29.5% in value. White shrimp (P. setiferus) decreased 1.7% in landings but increased 37.3% in value. The price per pound paid to commercial fishermen for blue crabs remained stable from 1977-78 to 1978-79. Prices increased for red drum (20.0%), spotted seatrout (30.2%), flounder (26.2%), red snapper (28.7%), oyster meat (4.2%), brown and pink shrimp (46.3%) and white shrimp (57.0%). The price per pound for black drum decreased (17.8%) during the same period. Based on IST, during 1 October 1978 - 30 September 1979, red drum landings from Texas bays and Texas Gulf waters totaled 348,864 kg -- 54.9% of the 1978-79 quota established by the TPWD Commission. Percent of individual quotas reached ranged from 14.9% for the Gulf of Mexico to 85.4% for Sabine Lake.


32 pgs.


fishery statistics, fisheries, fishery surveys, landing statistics
