Potential Sites for Wetland Restoration, Enhancement, and Creation: Corpus Christi/Nueces Bay Area


June 1997


Smith, EH
Calnan, TR
Cox, SA

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Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission


The purpose of this report is to help state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, and other resource managers restore, enhance, or create wetlands on a watershed scale using grants or other financial resources for project planning, implementation, and monitoring. The report is intended to serve as a reference for agencies and organizations interested in restoration, enhancement, or creation of wetlands in the Corpus Christi/Nueces Bay area. It does not represent a consensus view of priority activities, nor identify all areas potentially suited for wetlands restoration, enhancement, or creation. A site-specific evaluation will be necessary at these and other potential sites to determine their feasibility and cost effectiveness. In addition, efforts to satisfy broader system-wide needs will be contingent upon status and trend results of wetlands in the study area. Some areas identified in the report are contained within or adjacent to private lands. Efforts were made to contact property owners where possible, but some owners were not identified or contacted during document preparation. No lands were entered without landowner permission. All assessments of sites whose landowners were not contacted were made from adjoining publicly accessible areas. Identification of such lands within this document does not constitute consent by the landowner to include their property in restoration or enhancement projects. This report simply identifies potential restoration sites and presents conceptual plans for those sites. Organizations interested in implementing restoration projects should identify property owners and contact them regarding their interest in the project before moving forward. This report is the result of the cooperative efforts between Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Texas General Land Office (GLO), Center for Coastal Studies (CCS), and the Corpus Christi National Estuary Program (CCBNEP). Funding was provided by EPA, Region 6, throough a State Wetlands Grant to the Coastal Division, GLO. Both GLO and CCS staff produced the document, and CCBNEP provided technical assistance and published the final report.


183 pages


wetlands, wetland creation, wetland enhancement, wetland restoration
