U.S. Geological Survey quadrangles supporting GBNEP-12: Shoreline survey for unpermitted discharges to Galveston Bay.




Fay, R.R
Sweet, S.
Wilson, R.J.

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Galveston Bay National Estuary Program


Permitted and known discharge points obtained from the Railroad Commission and Texas Water Commission files were plotted on the topographic maps in approximate position from the location descriptions given for verification in the field surveys, and as partial fulfillment of reporting requirements for the final report. The GBNEP Number was annotated on the map with an arrow pointing to the approximate location of the facility or discharge. These draft maps with the annotated GBNEP numbers and the permitted discharge listing compiled by segment were used in both the aerial and boat surveys as the basis by which locations were confirmed and new sightings were recorded. The discharge listings refer to individual map numbers as follows: Cedar Bayou (Segment 0901): 14, 15; Galveston Bay (Segment 2421): 2, 10, 11, 15, 20; Double Bayou (Unclassified Segment in Chambers County): 13, 17; East Bay (Segment 2423): 3, 5, 6, 9, 19; Chocolate Bayou (Tidal Segment 1107): 8, 12, 16, 18; Armand Bayou (Tidal Segment 1113): 10, 13; Dickinson Bayou (Tidal Segment 1103 and Above Tidal Segment 1104): 1, 4, 11, 20: Carancahua Lake and Bayou (Unclassified): 7, 18.


ARCHIVAL MATERIAL. 20 maps, 51 x 58 cm


topographic maps, pollution surveys, aerial surveys, wastewater discharge, sewage disposal, oil pollution, dredge spoil, runoff, chemical pollution
