The physicochemical limnology of Lake Houston Reservoir: Houston, Texas.
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A one year physicochemical water quality study was conducted on Lake Houston Reservoir, Texas. Sampling began on September 15, 1984 and ended on August 31, 1985. Twenty eight physical and chemical parameters were analyzed monthly at seven stations within the reservoir. The reservoir is characterized by a great deal of spatial and temporal variation. Of particular interest is the spatial variation of the West Fork which appears to be influenced to a high degree by urbanization, wastewater discharges, runoff and septic sewage treatment associated with this region. The reservoir is moderately polluted. Carlson's Trophic State Index and EPA trophic indicators show the reservoir to be in a state of eutrophy with potential for increased magnitude with East Fork urbanization. At the time of this study, the trophic state of the reservoir was highly influenced by the West Fork fo the San Jacinto River. Therefore, mathematical models for the prediction of phytoplankton standing crop were developed for this region as well as the East Fork and main body of the reservoir.