Evaluation of fish assemblages in the Houston Bayou system
Oborny, E.L., Jr.
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Espey, Huston and Associates, Inc.
Documented fish monitoring efforts have been conducted in the Houston Bayou System since the late 1950's. The inland portion of the Houston Ship Channel and its major tributaries have exhibited a history of conditions unsuitable to sustain populations of aquatic life. For a number of reasons, wastewater treatment in the Houston area has continually improved since the late 1960s. It also appears that aquatic life conditions in the Houston Bayou System are improving. An area once referred to as a biological desert is now capable of sustaining populations of aquatic life. This paper reviews available fish monitoring data in an effort to evaluate fish assemblages in the Houston Bayou System.
14 p.
monitoring, habitat improvement, wastewater, nonpoint source pollution, point source pollution, drainage, pollution effects, pollution control