Intensive survey of Armand Bayou Segment 1113.




Ottmers, D.D.

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An intensive survey was conducted on Armand Bayou, Segment 1113, on March 31 - April 2, 1987. Armand Bayou is a small tidal stream which flows into Clear Lake at the southeastern edge of Harris County in southeast Texas. There are no direct discharges of wastewater to the segment; however, five municipal wastewater treatment plants discharge into tributaries to Armand Bayou. The survey included field measurements of dissolved oxyen, pH, temperature and conductivity in the bayou, at the wastewater treatment plants' outfalls, and tributary streams. Water samples for chemical analysis were collected at each sampling point. The data indicated generally acceptable water quality in the segment. Dissolved oxygen levels were high, although a side diurnal range of dissolved oxygen at some stations suggested high algal production. Water circulation through the bayou appears to be very slow and accumulated nutrients from the treatment plant discharges are contributing to algae blooms.


22 p.


hydrology, field measurements, water chemistry, water quality
