Economic Impact Analysis for Proposed Effluent Limitations - Guidelines and Standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category
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This economic impact analysis (EIA) examines compliance costs and economic impacts resulting from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) proposed revisions to effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the Coastal Subcategory of the U.S. oil and gas industry. The EIA estimates economic impacts in terms of annualized costs; production losses; and changes in equity, working capital, and other indicators of financial health at the firm level. In addition, impacts on employment and affected communities, foreign trade, and new sources are considered. A Regulatory Flexibility Analysis detailing the impacts on small businesses within the coastal oil and gas industry also is included in the EIA. The impacts measured in the EIA do not take into account the requirements of the EPA Region 6 General Permits for the Coastal Oil and Gas Industry covering disposal of produced water (60 FR 2387, January 9, 1995).