The culture of black drum (Pogonias cromis) in cages receiving effluent from a power plant. 7. Annu. Meet. World Mariculture Society; San Diego, CA (USA); 25 Jan 1976


1976 1976 Jan 25


Holt RS
Straw K Ayles GB
Brett JR

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Black drum (P. cromis) were cultured from 17 June 1974, until 15 May 1975, in 0.16 m SUP-3 cylindrical cages in the plant intake water and in heated effluent at stations 1, 2, and 3 located increasing distances from the inlet of the once-through 1053 ha cooling lake of an upper Galveston Bay electric generating station. All caged drum died at the intake station by 12 November, while survival during summer and fall (17 June-19 November, 155 days) was 97% or higher at all stations in the cooling lake. Survival during winter and spring was poor with complete mortality occurring by 11 January, 9 May and 15 May at stations 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Deaths were associated with periods of poor water quality due to heavy rainfall and resultant low salinities. Intake water was the most variable in salinity while changes were less extreme and not as sudden as the effluent moved through the lake resulting in greater survival of fish at more distance stations. During summer and fall greatest mean daily length and weight gains, recorded at station 3, were 0.60 mm/day and 0.98 g/day, respectively. Food conversion values ranged from 3.56 for drum in a cage at station 3 to 48.44 for a cage of drum at the intake. During winter and spring (20 November-15 May, 177 days) growth continued, but mean daily length and weight gains were very small (0.07 mm/day and 0.17 g/day--station 3). The length-weight relationship and standard length-total length conversion equations for drum cultured in cages are: log W = -9.861 + 2.868 (log SL) and TL = 3.426 + 1.236 (SL)




ASW,USA,Texas, Cage culture, Death, fish, fish culture, food conversion, Galveston Bay, growth, Mortality, Pogonias cromis, Q1 01582 Fish culture, rainfall, Salinity, spring, Survival, Texas, thermal aquaculture, USA, water, Water quality, winter
