Composition of Fish Species in Area M-4 According to Specific Sampling - General Ecological Survey of the Matagorda Bay Area


A total of 37,920 fish consisting of 71 species were taken by trawl during the project. The main part (89 per cent) of the total catch was composed of eight species. These were, in descending order: golden croaker, common anchovy, star drum, eight fingered threadfin, sand trout, spot, seacatfish, and gafftopsail catfish. Four new species of fish were taken during the project year making a total of 104 species of fish known to inhabit the Matagorda Bay area. Commercial landings from the Matagorda Bay area were obtained and analyzed. No signs of overharvest were found.


8 pages; available for download at the link below.


fish population, Matagorda bay, species composition
