Methods for the Determination of Chemical Substances in Marine and Estuarine Environmental Matrices - Second Edition
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This manual contains eleven methods for determination of nutrients, metals, and chlorophyll. Since Revision 1.0 appeared in 1992, four new methods have been added, one deleted and four have been multilaboratory validated. Methods 440.0, 445.0, 446.0, and 447.0 have been multilaboratory validated, and Methods 353.4 has been replaced with an improved method. The metals methods, Methods 200.10, 200.12 and 200.13 have not changed since the 1992 manual. Method 365.5 has remained the same and Method 440.0, that appeared in 1992, now contains multilaboratory validation data. Two new chlorophyll methods, Method 446.0 and 447.0, have been added and all three chlorophyll methods have been multilaboratory validated. Since the chlorophyll methods validation study was also a comparison study of the methods, that data has been added to the methods. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the full chlorophyll study final report should contact the Chemical Exposure Research Branch Office of NERL-Cincinnati.